175 Hours

Data Science with Python & R

Unlock the potential of data analytics with our transformative program. Dive deep into essential concepts, master industry-standard tools, and enhance problem-solving skills. Learn collaboration, communication, and career readiness for success in interdisciplinary teams. Start your journey to endless possibilities in data science today!

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What You will Learn

Master Data Analysis Techniques: Dive into the world of data analysis and learn how to manipulate, clean, and visualize datasets using industry-leading tools such as Python, R, and SQL.

Explore Machine Learning Algorithms: Gain expertise in machine learning algorithms and techniques, including regression, classification, clustering, and deep learning, with hands-on experience using popular libraries like TensorFlow and scikit-learn.

Apply Data Science in Real-World Projects: Put your skills to the test by working on real-world projects that simulate the challenges faced by data scientists in various industries. From predicting customer behavior to optimizing business processes, you’ll learn how to apply data science methodologies to solve complex problems and drive actionable insights.

Course Format

Interactive Modules

Hands-On Projects

Live Q&A Sessions

Industry-Relevant Curriculum

Course Duration

175 hours live classes

Accelerated Learning

Extended Access

Practical Modules

Data Science with Python & R Curriculum

Python & R Programming4 Modules
  • Overview of Python and R
  • Setting up development environments (Jupyter Notebooks, RStudio)
  • Basic programming concepts: variables, data types, operators
  • Control structures: if statements, loops
  • Functions and libraries
  • Lists, tuples, dictionaries
  • NumPy library for numerical operations
  • Pandas library for data manipulation
  • Vectors, matrices, lists
  • Introduction to data frames
  • Data manipulation with dplyr
  • Matplotlib for static plots
  • Seaborn for statistical data visualization
  • Introduction to Plotly for interactive plots
  • ggplot2 for versatile data visualization
  • Plotly for interactive visualizations
  • Basic statistical analysis with SciPy and StatsModels
  • Introduction to machine learning with scikit-learn
  • Statistical analysis with base R functions
  • Introduction to machine learning with care
Introduction to Databases and SQL4 Modules
  • Understanding databases and their importance
  • Overview of relational databases
  • Introduction to SQL and its role in data management
  • Setting up a database environment
  • Creating and modifying tables
  • Understanding data types
  • Inserting, updating, and deleting data
  • Retrieving data using SELECT statements
  • Filtering data using WHERE clause
  • Sorting results with ORDER BY
  • Joining multiple tables
  • Grouping and aggregating data with GROUP BY and aggregate functions
  • Modifying data with UPDATE and DELETE statements
  • Introduction to transactions
  • Controlling transactions with COMMIT and ROLLBACK
  • Managing database security: GRANT and REVOKE
Data Science with Python Certification Course9 Modules

Module 1: Introduction to Data Science

  • Overview of Data Science
  • Importance and applications
  • Key concepts: Data, Information, Knowledge
  • Basics of statistics and probability

Module 2: Data Wrangling and Cleaning

  • Data collection and acquisition
  • Preprocessing techniques
  • Handling missing data
  • Data transformation and normalization
  • Data cleaning best practices

Module 3: Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

  • Data visualization
  • Descriptive statistics
  • Distribution analysis
  • Correlation analysis
  • Outlier detection

Module 4: Machine Learning Fundamentals

  • Introduction to Machine Learning
  • Types of Machine Learning
  • Model evaluation techniques
  • Overfitting and underfitting
  • Introduction to libraries: scikit-learn, TensorFlow

Module 5: Supervised Learning

  • Linear Regression
  • Logistic Regression
  • Decision Trees and Random Forests
  • Support Vector Machines (SVM)
  • Ensemble methods

Module 6: Unsupervised Learning

  • K-means Clustering
  • Hierarchical Clustering
  • Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
  • Anomaly detection
  • Association rule learning

Module 7: Advanced Topics

  • Deep Learning basics
  • Neural Networks
  • Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
  • Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • Time Series Analysis

Module 8: Model Deployment and Productionization

  • Deployment strategies
  • Model monitoring and maintenance
  • Introduction to cloud platforms
  • Ethics and best practices

Module 9: Capstone Project

  • Real-world project application
  • Data collection and preprocessing
  • Modeling and evaluation
  • Presentation of findings

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Tools Covered

R Programming
R Studio
Skit Learn

Free elective courses along with learning path



Duration: 8 Weeks
(Self Paced)




Data Analysis

Data Visualization




Duration: 6 Weeks
(Self Paced)







Power BI & Visualization

Power BI & Visualization

Duration: 8 Weeks
(Self Paced)

Power Query


Data Visualization






Duration: 8 Weeks
(Self Paced)



Data Visualization



Tableau Desktop

Data Science with Python & R Training Fee

₹ 15,999
₹ 26,998
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Data Science with Python & R Certification

Complete our courses, earn a certificate! It’s more than just recognition—it’s proof of your expertise and dedication.
Final Certificate

Features of Data Science with Python & R Training

Comprehensive Curriculum

Covering foundational concepts, advanced techniques, and real-world applications in data science.

Industry-Standard Tools

Industry-Standard Tools

Master popular data science tools and technologies such as Python, R, SQL, and machine learning libraries.

Flexible Learning Options

Flexible Learning Options

Choose from flexible learning options, including self-paced courses, live online classes, and blended learning formats.



Earn industry-recognized certifications upon completion of courses, validating your skills and expertise in data science.

Join the digital revolution in education!

Course Instructors


Founder & CEO


Years Experience


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Neha Vats

Soft Skills Trainer (Coach)


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Archie Garg 3

Data Science Trainer


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What is Data Science, and why is it important in today's job market?

Data Science is a multidisciplinary field that involves extracting insights and knowledge from structured and unstructured data. It is crucial in today’s job market because organizations across industries rely on data to make informed decisions, identify trends, and gain a competitive edge. Data Scientists play a key role in analyzing data, building predictive models, and driving strategic business decisions.

What skills are essential for a career in Data Science?

A successful career in Data Science requires a combination of technical skills, such as proficiency in programming languages like Python or R, knowledge of statistical analysis and machine learning algorithms, and familiarity with data manipulation and visualization tools. Additionally, soft skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and effective communication are highly valued in the field.

What job roles are available in the field of Data Science?

Data Science offers a diverse range of job roles, including Data Analyst, Data Scientist, Machine Learning Engineer, Business Intelligence Analyst, Data Engineer, and more. These roles vary in their focus and responsibilities but typically involve working with data to extract insights, develop models, and drive business decisions.

How can I learn Data Science skills and advance my career in the field?

There are various ways to learn Data Science skills, including online courses, bootcamps, self-study resources, and formal education programs. Many reputable institutions and online platforms offer comprehensive Data Science courses and certifications that cover essential concepts and practical applications. Additionally, hands-on experience through projects, internships, and real-world applications can help solidify your skills and enhance your employability.

Are Data Science certifications worth pursuing?

Data Science certifications can be valuable for demonstrating your expertise and credibility in the field, especially if you’re looking to enter or advance your career in Data Science. While certifications alone may not guarantee job opportunities, they can complement your education and experience, differentiate you from other candidates, and enhance your professional profile.

What are the key trends and developments shaping the future of Data Science?

Data Science is an ever-evolving field, with continuous advancements in technology, methodologies, and applications. Key trends shaping the future of Data Science include the increasing adoption of artificial intelligence and machine learning, the rise of big data analytics, the importance of ethical data practices, and the growing demand for interdisciplinary skills in areas such as data engineering, cloud computing, and natural language processing.

What are some common challenges faced by Data Scientists in the industry?

Data Scientists often face challenges such as data quality and cleanliness issues, limited access to relevant data, managing large and complex datasets, interpreting ambiguous or incomplete data, and communicating technical findings to non-technical stakeholders. Additionally, staying abreast of rapidly evolving technologies and methodologies can be challenging in a fast-paced industry like Data Science.

What industries and sectors are leveraging Data Science for innovation and growth?

Data Science has applications across various industries and sectors, including but not limited to healthcare, finance, e-commerce, marketing, manufacturing, and telecommunications. Organizations in these sectors use Data Science to improve customer experiences, optimize operations, detect fraud, develop personalized recommendations, and drive innovation and growth.

What advice do you have for aspiring Data Scientists?

My advice for aspiring Data Scientists is to continuously invest in learning and skill development, stay curious and open-minded, seek out opportunities for hands-on experience and real-world projects, build a strong professional network, and stay resilient in the face of challenges. Data Science is a dynamic and rewarding field that offers numerous opportunities for growth and impact, so embrace the journey and never stop learning.

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